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2 Payments of $550

ONE TIME OFFER $77: 5 Figure Launches From Tiny Lists. I'll give you my exact formula for doing 5 and 6 figure launches to tiny lists of just a few thousand people. This is the same formula that a zero-marketing knowledge football coach used to make $6k in a week from a list of 1600 people. The same method I use for my high-end clients to do 6 and 7 figure launches from a handful of emails. I've never sold this before. It's just for you special folks who replied to my emails or on facebook :)

Here's What You'll Get:
  • 8 weeks of training on how to build or grow your business.
  • ​The Storytelling Masterclass.
"For those of you who read advertising copy for the purpose of doing it better (yes, some of us do that), whose copy can’t you stay away from? And why?

For me it’s Ian Stanley and James Altucher. When one of those dudes shows up in my inbox , I put everything aside and read all the way through. Because they’re honest and vulnerable. And the writing entertains me so much I actually enjoy the process of being led into a sale."

- Jeff Wayne Beaird
"Just wanted to let you know the final tally. I sold over 6300. About 800 of that came in the final half hour and it came from one of your emails in the 5 email template."

- Ron Mckie

Your Conditional Money-Back Guarantee

If you do the work and don't like the results just show me that you took action on the material in the One-Hour Workday within 60-days and I'll refund you. This is to hold you accountable to actually TAKE ACTION. I also know you won't want your money back once you use the lessons.

Secure Processing

Each order is processed through a secure, 256-bit encrypted payment processing gateway to ensure your privacy.
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