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Here's What You'll Get: 
  • 12-Minute Version of the Money Meditation With My Thoughts: People have used this meditation to activate the Reticular Activation System in their minds to attract more money. It's crazy. I don't know how it works. But I do know you'd be a silly sausage not to do it every morning if you want more money in your life.
  • 6-Minute Version of the Money Meditation I Use Every Morning: Same as the 12 minute version, but without my commentary. This is the money meditation I use every morning. 

"When I started working with Ian and Brent, strange things started to happen. I was making 2-3X more money for my clients. And I was making 25-50% more in my business."

- James B  |  Seattle, WA

"This meditation is not only a gift for your bank account but also a gift for the soul. After 1 minute into the money magnet meditation, I started smiling and feeling intense joy, excitement, and happiness around money. Somedays money can unconsciously be a negative subject, but now I quickly turn that around with this meditation right when I feel anything other than joy around money. It has become a trigger for me. Now, I start out my morning with this and immediately journal my goals. Since adding this to my routine, I go about the day feeling like I will attract exactly what I think about! I highly recommend you listen to this at least once a day.""

- AJ Yager.  |  Austin, TX

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If you implement EVERYTHING we show you, and don't see a change in your money, we'll refund your full investment.

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