There are 5 core "Buying Emotions" that get people to open their wallets and actually BUY from emails.
1. Pleasure
2. Fear
3. Want
4. Need
5. Motivation - A "kick in the pants"
After scouring through literally thousands of split tests of subject lines, link texts, body copy, and every other email test you can think of I found ALL of the most profitable emails I wrote had ONE underlying factor...
A swift kick-in-the-pants.
Each email had a different way of doing it...but they ALL gave that kick in the pants people needed to get off the fence and make a purchase.
We live in a society where everyone is coddled. Weakness is said to be "okay" but deep down everyone wants the power to change their life.
And sometimes they just need someone to give them the kick-in-the-ass they need to take action.
So I've created 5 different "fill-in-the-blank" email templates based around this core idea...and combined it with other powerful buying emotions to create emails that ethically FORCE people to open up their wallets and damn near fall over themselves to hand you their money.