"Done For You" Fill-In-The-Blank Templates You Can Profit From Less Than 25 Minutes From Now.
There are 5 core "Buying Emotions" that get people to open their wallets and actually BUY from emails.

1. Pleasure

2. Fear 

3. Want

4. Need

5. Motivation - A "kick in the pants"

After scouring through literally thousands of split tests of subject lines, link texts, body copy, and every other email test you can think of I found ALL of the most profitable emails I wrote had ONE underlying factor...

A swift kick-in-the-pants.

Each email had a different way of doing it...but they ALL gave that kick in the pants people needed to get off the fence and make a purchase.

We live in a society where everyone is coddled. Weakness is said to be "okay" but deep down everyone wants the power to change their life.

And sometimes they just need someone to give them the kick-in-the-ass they need to take action. 

So I've created 5 different "fill-in-the-blank" email templates based around this core idea...and combined it with other powerful buying emotions to create emails that ethically FORCE people to open up their wallets and damn near fall over themselves to hand you their money. 
Here are the 5 templates:
  • 1. The cost of doing nothing email 
  •  2. The How to get what you want email
  •  3. The "Treat it like a Bullet Wound" email
  •  4. The "insane" way to benefit email
  •  5. The World's Dumbest Question email
If I wrote each of these emails for you you'd have to pay me a MINIMUM of $200 each (If I still did freelancing) and you'd have to buy a package of 10 emails to get that rate. That's not some hype-y sales tactic, I simply don't have time to freelance anymore.

However you can get all of these templates for just $47 right now.

That's less than $10 per email. Which is 1/20th of what you'd have to pay if I wrote them for you.

You literally just have to fill in the blanks with your product name, market, and solutions and you're ready to send. 

You can "write" all 5 of these emails in less than half an hour and have one out to your list and making money within the hour.
Email 1: Fear.
Most people don't realize there is a cost to doing nothing. 

They don't realize their life will stay the same if they do nothing. 

Sometimes all it takes is the realization that their deepest fears could become real for them to decide it's time to buy.
Email 2: How to get what you want.
There are 3 dominant motivators behind every action a person takes. 

If you know what these 3 motivators are you can use them to get people to take the actions necessary to achieve their goals. 

And you can use them to get people to open up their wallets. 

These 3 motivators are the same for everyone are universal to every market. Use them to show people how they can get exactly what they want. 
Email 3: Need.
If something is simply a "should" then it rarely gets done. 

But when you make something a "must" it almost always gets done.

This email shows people how to treat their problem as a "must." It shows them exactly why they need to do something to achieve their goals...and that something is buying your product. 
Email 4: The "insane" way to benefit.
"Insanity" is defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. 

When you show people what they're doing is technically "insane" they realize they need to make a change.

When they realize they need to make a change they take action. And this email guides them perfectly into taking action to buy your product. 
Email 5: The world's dumbest question.
During my time as a writer in the dating niche I was lucky enough to stumble upon (and create) what's considered to be the dumbest question in the world.

It's so dumb that no one's ever thought to ask it. That's why it's so powerful.

It hits on one of the most powerful emotions a person can feel...curiosity. 

And the sheer curiosity of the subject line on this email gets insane opens. And the copy in the email makes it damn near impossible for people to stop reading. (Can you feel yourself wondering what the hell the world's dumbest question is?)

Use this email to snap your audience out of their complacency and into to taking action.

It's weird...but it works. 
Grab Your 5 Templates
Now For Only $47 - LIMITED TIME!
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P.S. - if you're skimming and just wanted to see what the offer was... for just $47, you're getting 5 proven fill-in-the-blank email templates you can use to profit from TODAY. 
 Is there a guarantee?

Yes, I'm offering my normal guarantee. If you actually USE the templates and aren't happy with the results just show me your completed emails and I'll refund you. This isn't a "no-questions-asked" guarantee. I want you to actually fill out the templates and test them.